eBay Bidding Experience

Creating a Bidding Tutorial for New Bidders on eBay for a better bidding experience.


eBay is a global e-commerce website that has revolutionized the way we buy items online for the past two decades. 

Their online catalog consists of various goods of limited edition or quantity and at cheap prices. They are listed for sale by individuals and companies. They’re also known for their auctions, which allow users to snatch great deals on products that would normally cost them more.

Current Situation

During pandemic, people have more time indoors, which means more online shopping. Also, there are lots of people experienced temporary or permanent unemployment, so people are looking for cheaper prices.

The feature that makes eBay stand out above other competitors is their auction feature and bidding experience

However, eBay does a poor job of describing this feature and helping users learn how it works.


Designing a Bidding Tutorial for New Bidders to show them how bidding works, including:

  • Auction Overview

  • Buyer’s Process Overview

  • Automatic bidding

  • Retracting a bid

  • How reserve prices work

  • Responding to Second Chance Offers

  • Tips for winning auctions

User Persona


User Flow



