Netflix Reviewing Feature
Feature proposal by
Elena Kim, Xinya Huang, and Olivia Pracher
“When I just finished a show I really enjoyed, I want to be able to write a review/rate it so that others will be interested in watching it too.”
“Apple TV has the Rotten Tomatoes score next to all the movies. Why doesn't Netflix have reviews?”
“When I am watching Netflix alone, I want to see what my friends are watching, so I can talk to them about it.”
“When I want to watch a similar show to the one that I just finished, I want to have better recommendations.”
What We Want To Achieve
Improve recommendations algorithm by expanding user profiles.
(User feedback can improve the overall algorithm)
What are the Opportunities
Building on the social platform aspect of Netflix.
For example, watching TV or streaming alone can be lonely, finding new ways of connecting with others while watching can improve the viewing experience of users
Where Do We Want to Be in the Future
Improvements in the recommendations algorithm to better improve user viewing experience.

In what part of the viewing process will this feature come into play?
How do we get users to participate in reviewing or recommending?
How does this feature help the user have a better experience?
Journey Map
From the 30 minute sketches we decided to develop the show page to include reviews and the ability to review and also solve how recommended shows would be displayed.